I can't believe that so many months have passed since my last post! A lot has happened here since September.
Princess is blossoming at school, and loving every minute of it.
Sweet Pea has become the loudest member of the household, as only a 3 year old can do.
Mr. Mischief has been getting into tons of, well, mischief.
And, finally, we welcomed a new little bundle back in November, we'll call him Tiny Sasquatch (there was a thing floating around Facebook, about your true Canadian name, and that was his, and I like it!).
Now with four small children (both in stature and in age) my life seems to be nothing but a whirl wind of diapers, feedings and laundry. You can't forget the laundry. If you do it very quickly buries you!
I've been doing a fairly decent job of staying on top of things, domestically, thanks to my handy dandy Cleaning Calendar, and it turns out that a clean house makes for a happier husband and makes room for a lot more fun!